My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Sunday, May 29, 2016

May Wrap-Up!

It's the end of May!  Yippee!!  That means school is out and we are starting summer break!  Here's what the Thomas crew was up to in the month of May....

Broken Elbow - Aliana broke her "elbow" (humorous bone) when she fell off the monkey bars during recess at school.  Apparently she told the recess duty that she was "fine" and got up to try and keep playing. She started crying, so some of the second graders went to get Carson - he went and got a paraprofessional that works with a little boy in his class, she then brought Aliana into my classroom and I brought her to the ER! Aliana ended up having surgery (two pins put in) but couldn't have it that day since she needed anesthesia and had just eaten lunch.  They put the IV in her right arm, wrapped up her left arm with a splint/sling and sent us home for the night.  In the morning we went back to the hospital and she had her surgery.  She is currently on "cast #3".  Pins came out last week (they literally just pull them out which was a little traumatic) and has a week and a half left til the current cast is off and the whole ordeal is done!



Chicago - We headed to Chicago with our good friends Brandon and Ashley in early May and had a wonderful time!!  The weather was cool and rainy on days 1 & 2, but our last day it was sunny!!  We had such a great time exploring the city.  We did a boat tour, rode bikes, ate out, saw a Cubs game, and went to two shows at the Second City comedy club - it was awesome!! (thank you Oma & Opa for keeping the kiddies!!)









The End - It's the end of spring soccer and the end of school! Brian has coached these four boys for 5 seasons (spring/fall for two and a half years).  We absolutely love the boys and their families!!!

The kids helped clean up my classroom last week, so ready & so excited for .....