My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter days

Ok, well today was a "winter" day so we took advantage and went sledding behind the house on a little hill we have.  It's perfect for the kids as they usually last about 15 minutes :)

We've had round 2 of winter colds at our house so have been entertaining ourselves with forts, marble mazes, and Carson's/Daddy's latest project of growing vegetables in the basement!

Hope everyone is having a good week!!

Paper towel tubes + duct tape = awesome project for rolling marbles

Carson and Daddy's seed project .... not sure what we'll do when these actually grow...

Giant fort in the play room, can you see the kids?? :)

Sledding today

Had to put this one in here, just a cute picture of the kids!  Carson wrote "Happy Birthday Bryce" on the ipad and sent it to his cousin for his birthday :)

This is our good friend Ellie, that used to live in Healy when we lived there.  We've enjoyed getting together with her a couple times a month since she lives in south Denver now.  AND you can see my "new do",  11 inches gone from my hair!