Here's a little about our big guy at 6...
Carson is super active and loves to jump, kick, run, bike, scooter ... you get the idea! If he had the choice, he would wear shorts to school every day, even when it is 40 degrees!
He has made some very sweet friends at school. He has kindergarten in the morning and Kinder Enrichment in the afternoon. Here are some friends that came over for a birthday celebration a couple weeks back. Overall, he seems to enjoy school - I try to stop in and see him at lunch or in the classroom once a day. I love that he is just downstairs from my classroom!
And even though he has made new friends at school his first choice for a playdate or sleepover is still his cousin Bryce!
Carson is a super loving big brother, sometimes it seems like he has to put up with a lot from little miss Aliana (like any good little sister!), but he will still search the house for her blankie when it goes missing and help mom and dad out when Ali is needing extra attention!
Carson, we love that you are sensitive, caring, kind, considerate, and that you have a heart for the Lord and people! We are so thankful that God gave us you! It has been a joy to watch you grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually over the last 6 years!