My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's Wednesday

Here is Carson, he got stung by a bee this morning on the way to school and got to visit the nurse's office for the first time.  Here's a picture of his sting (on his chin) and a story about it that he apparently wrote in school today (it came home in his backpack :)

"I don't like bees.  Once upon a time there was a bee."  (maybe he ran out of time, because I'm sure he would have continued the story with something like...the bee got smushed because he was mean and stung me :)

Here is Aliana, she loves wearing dresses to preschool.  I do have to bribe her with ipad time to get her hair combed in the morning.

Here is Daddy, he is a goof.  He is also doing a ton of work on our new house to get it ready for us to move in to in about 2 weeks.

Here is mommy, I am happy because it's Wednesday.  Which means tomorrow is Thursday and then it's Friday!! :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Aliana!

Our sweet little girl turns 4 today!  She is such a blessing to our lives, thank you Lord for this beautiful girl!!  Here's a little about Ali ...

Ali loves her brother and is kind to him most days :)  They like cuddling on the couch watching shows and reading books together.  This year at school they get to see each other at recess and they tell us they share snacks with each other :)

Ali and Sydney at Oma's house - the girls create plays that they perform for the family :)  They have performed numerous plays and love to dress up.  Here they are having a tea party at Oma's house.

Ali tells us she's going to be a cheerleader when she grows up.  She enjoys her gymnastic class (mostly wearing her leotard), wearing skirts and dresses and singing songs she's made up herself.

 And we can't forget "purple" and "lamby"!  These are Aliana's special blanket and stuffed animal.  Now that school has started they mostly stay at home, but normally she brings these 2 with her EVERYWHERE!

 We love you Aliana!  You are such a funny and sweet little girl!  You have amazing determination are very caring toward others.  You are loved by your whole family and we pray that you grow to know the loving care of the Lord and the gift of His son, Jesus! Always remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Daze

The Thomas family has returned to school!  Aliana is in pre-K, Carson is in Kindergarten and Mommy is upstairs in the middle level special education program!  I am so thankful that I teach at a pre-k through 8th grade school so that the kids and I can be in the same building!  Brian is at the high school about 15 minutes away so I drop them off in the morning and then Brian is done with his school with enough time to come pick them both up!  Carson is in a full day program and Aliana does half-day at school and spends the afternoon with Brian's mom and dad.  It's all coming together and I am VERY thankful because after being at home the last few years it is a big adjustment to be back at work!  BUT, that being said, we are all doing well (though I feel slightly sleep deprived) but otherwise enjoying school and adjusting to our new routine.  The school is AMAZING and we all feel very blessed to be there!

Carson and his sweet teacher Mrs. Witt on his first day!  There were no tears!  I didn't even cry (which is pretty much a miracle)

 Aliana on her first day! (she started about a week after Carson).  There were LOTS of tears from little miss Ali, but her teacher Mr. Mark said she recovered quickly :)

A little time for fun!  On Monday we met up with our friends at an outdoor mall with "water squirters" as we like to call them :)  The kids had a blast!