My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Rockies

It's the end of Carson's summer sports, so in celebration Carson and dad went to a Rockies game last weekend!  Carson stayed up past 10:00pm and Brian said he kept saying "I'm so excited!" throughout the game :).  Carson played t-ball and soccer through our local rec league and really enjoyed them both.  The kids got medals this week and Carson was pretty pumped.  I had to include the last picture of Aliana... this is how we find her most nights when we go up to check on her.  She likes to fill her bed with toys before she goes to sleep every night :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Grammy & Grandpa Michael's visit

Over the 4th of July we had a visit from Grammy & Grandpa Michael.  It was a great week -- we went to the zoo, stayed up late on the 4th, visited a fire truck, climbed trees, rode bikes, enjoyed crafts and yummy food!   Thanks Grammy & Grandpa for a fun visit!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stomp Rockets

The kids got a Stomp Rocket on the 4th of July from Grandpa Michael, which kept them busy most of the night waiting for the fireworks!  The fireworks for the city of Thornton are launched literally in our backyard so we just put our lawn chairs out and waited until it got dark!  (that's why there are a million cars parked on the street).  The kids also managed to participate in some family pictures, I'm always surprised when these pictures turn out with the kids looking at the camera :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Brian's Home!

Daddy has been gone in Ohio for the past 2 weeks for school conference... it was a LONG time! :)  We tried to keep busy with friends and Oma & Opa (Brian's mom and dad).  We went to the zoo, built legos, played in the kiddie pool, had a week of VBS at our church, and of course watched shows and ate popcorn for dinner! (well, not every night)  We are happy to have him home!