My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, March 19, 2012

Carson and the camera

In looking through pictures from the last couple weeks,  I can see that Carson had the camera most days!  He took a picture of the calendar and our paper chain (counting down the days to when we leave for Hawaii next week), caught daddy acting silly, and mommy doing dishes (oh joy).  He also took some nice pictures of himself, however, missed capturing a certain little sister on camera... hmmm.  Good thing I managed to get one of the kids after gymnastics today - Ali's got a goofy smile and Carson has his mouth full of snack, but it works! :)  Apparently we all love the "thumbs up pose", Brian even is wearing his Thumbs Up for Jesus shirt!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

War of the Sippy Cup

I've decide I need to suck it up and wage war on the sippy cups in our house.  My children L-O-V-E warm milk in the sippy.  They are not big juice drinkers but would drink warm milk in a sippy cup any time of day.  I'm sooo tired of collecting sippy cups from every place in the house/car/outside/etc. Today I let each of the kids pick out a Thermos water bottle (with a straw, so we'll see how I like washing those) from Target and I started throwing away our sippies.  I'm going to try (try) to enforce keeping the water bottles in the kitchen and at the table.... we'll see if I'm successful.  But it is time!  So let the war on the sippy cups begin!  Oh, and yes, I put milk in the water bottles for lunch today.  I don't think warm milk is going away just yet.  Maybe in phase two...
     (I think in this picture Ali is trying to decide if Mom is really serious about this)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring Weather

We had great weather today and went to the park this afternoon for a little play time!  Carson even took a lovely picture of his mom and dad :)  Then we ended the day making chocolate chip cookies while dad headed to help at youth group.  I hope there are some cookies left when he gets home! (p.s. it might snow again this week, so we are enjoying the weather while it lasts! :)